
Irish  Native black mated queen bees (Apis mellifera mellifera) taking orders 4,inseminated queens and  Nucs, hives of bees 2024

Irish Native co,waterford mothel black amm queens,     buy,forsale

Irish Native co,waterford mothel black amm queens, buy,forsale

Irish  mated black queen bees Amm  sale 2024 taking orders,  naturally mated queens, Nucs Hives                 

At  black bee man ,we sell bees, Nucs, queens,colonies,full, hives, and Honey.  Each day there is work to be done around the bee farm .Black bee man Honey for sale on line in the jars pure forsale online,shop GOLD award 2024 irish fine food awards,  Use www.fantastic fungi mushroom boxes to keep your bees healthy., where bee keeping is a way of life.Due to I’ll health I have passed the business onto my sister. I help out when I am well enough  . Buy my Irish native black honey bees, I have lovely native dark queens ,     Open mating and inseminated queens for sale .   Naturally mated queens 50 euros each .inseminated queens 60 euros each discounts on more than one queen 2024!!!!!                                                       Honey shop forsale online honey from the comeragh mountaings sheer excellence !!!                                                     Buy 2024 Mated black queen bees -FOR SALE .... now taking orders.  We have some of the best breeding stock there is . My Irish queens are prolific, our nucs are busting with life.  I am   100% committed to farming bees in Ireland. I am always looking for new stocks of Irish queens .           Buy native black bees..       keep Irish black bees..    native honey bees...   irish dark native honey bees .. After many years of breeding Irish black bees We have found some supper genetics ,that makes our queen black bees second to none .                                                                                                 **** buy summer 2024 Nucs of native  black dark bees today **** my bees are kept organically with no harsh treatments I use many essential oils, which keeps my native black bees tip top. My NUCS,will be very early ones and will have an inseminated native black queen in it . Prolific  layers and as good as any naturally mated queen I have seen in the last 40 years. At black bee man we sell mated queens nucs colonies of black native bee. They produce some of the finest honey in ireland . Fine irish honey online shop/ forsale ,we use fantastic fungi mushrooms ,to keep our bees healthy. *I try for the best possible genetics, so when queen rearing begins I will be crossing well bred Irish dark queens with well bred native drones. I use mainly poly hives which I bought from Irish Bee suppliers in Louth . I believe they are a 100% better than wooden hives for over wintering and spring build up.   Irish native honey bees, my black queens are beautiful having large elongated abdomens, one of the signs of being well reared. Irish honey Bees for sale and pure honey buy on line/shop            irish finest nectar of the waterford county  bio-diverse  raw and pure.                                                            <<>> * , I cross  hygienic bees with hygienic bees . My Irish dark bees are as good if not better than any I have seen. We brought stock queens from all over the country north and south .our honey is produced next to the holy well mothel buy honey forsale online shop .Dont forget to buy fantastic fungi mushrooms boxes .They help to keep your bees healthy....                                                                                                                                                                                                                  !!!! Reserve your over wintered Nucs of native black honey bees today they are nearly all gone!!!.,,,,,,,,, sold out of wintered Nucs 2024But we have lots of nucs of black bees .Honey for sale waterford area hive fresh black bee man honey . *  Using instrumental insemination gives me a better chance of finding the right gene pool . I am running a program with natural mated queens vs inseminated queens . At beeman Mike has a great mind and pool of knowledge, he is at the forefront of A.I. In Europe. Mike trained me in all aspects of artificial insemination for queen bees. Working from home in Co. Tipperary with no one using pesticides near me, is a big bonus. The air is clean and fresh and my small holding is ideal for bee keeping . I have several out-lying bee yards .    * no deposit, on my Irish mated black queen bees  payment due before agreed date of dispatch. *irish  Native black bees  are well suited to all the weather that Ireland is renowned for, my native black honey bees fly in all weathers .                       My grandad  was a Tipperary man he always said let your black bees do the talking and leave the rest to do the chatting. With time my Irish dark native black irish queens will tell their own story. I have some very high genetic colonies of Irish black bees, very varroa resistant  IMPORTANT should a queen be dead in her cage, do NOT remove the tab please send it back for full refund and payment for postage or replacement queen . As we know, our post do a grand job but some times things can go wrong!   Try out  finest irish honey bassed in mothel . Where bee keeping is a way of life ....                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

Organic bee keepers in mothel co,waterford

 looking for good Home reared Irish bees , queens, Nucs ,inseminated queens ,we have what you are looking for .I treat my native black honey bees organically, they are my best Friends! After  all I couldn't imagine my days without my native black Amm honey bees. 

Native black honey bees do very well in poly hives ,over the past few years .I have brought some of the best honey producing stock there is in Ireland Heres a  tip buy fantastic fungi spore boxes the bees love it and it help aganst varroa mite.

Native black honey bees do very well in poly hives ,over the past few years .I have brought some of the best honey producing stock there is in Ireland Heres a tip buy fantastic fungi spore boxes the bees love it and it help aganst varroa mite.

open mated Irish queen bees 

Bee fork lift New to Ireland 130 kg lifting ,light weight Tool 23kg supper helper xxxx click the picture to enlargexxxx.

Bee fork lift New to Ireland 130 kg lifting ,light weight Tool 23kg supper helper xxxx click the picture to enlargexxxx.

 Our mated native black queen bees this year are on course to be some of the best in the country. It won't be long before the drones will be flying in co Tipperary. Our order books are getting real full so if you are looking for top quality native mated black queen bees reserve yours today we will try to fulfill any orders by end of June . 


native black bee mating boxes only 50 more to go ready for open mating 2018

native black bee mating boxes only 50 more to go ready for open mating 2018

Black bee man mating boxes.

 Black bee man busy as ever building more mating boxes ,the orders for my mated native black queen bees is filling my order book fast .As I have said before place your orders sooner rather than later ,there is only a limited amount of my fine black mated queens . Over the past 3 years i have brought some of the finest native amm black queen from some of the top nihb's members, coolmore and many more.

Bee hive fork lift sack barrow, 130 kg lifting power.

Bee hive fork lift sack barrow, 130 kg lifting power.

Buy a bee hive fork lift ,NEW to Ireland  130kg safe lifting .

As we are getting older this tool is a must around the Apiary . Should you want one contact  Top quality apiary forklife.

we at black bee man work for 100% to breed high quality Queen and Nucs . irelands finest honeys untreated as nature provided black bee man honey irelands finest honeys untreated as nature provided black bee man honey

  • Down in co,waterford in mothel was born .After years of hard work and many years of bee breeding we are pleased to share natures true un treated wild flower honeys. Quality you can rely on at 

Black bee man honey

Black bee man honey